I have absolutely no complaints about James's story, which shows his family life before he joined the military. And for the most part, the characters do sound like themselves. I like all these characters, love Tali and Garrus. What we get are short stories with James, Tali, Garrus, and Liara, with the story (but not the scripts) co-written by the character writers. Here's what we're promised: previously unseen backstory on a handful of much-loved characters, written by the same writers who worked on those characters for the game. Considering the bad taste that ME3 left in my mouth, can I write a really unbiased review? I'm not sure, and honestly, my pre-ME3 reviews of the tie-in books weren't unbiased, either. So yes, I did need to read this comic that promised some of his backstory. And Garrus was my love interest in the only profile that I took through ME3, and remains my favorite love interest. I'd bet that half of my missions were done with both of them. And over 95% of the time, I had either Garrus or Tali in my party. Understand: I've played through ME five times, ME2 four times, and ME3 once. (More, I suspect, than whoever wrote the ending of ME3, but I digress.) And two of the stories are about Tali and Garrus. But I do still care about this setting and these characters. (I really, really, really hated it.) I almost skipped reading it entirely, for that matter. And over 95% of the time I really considered not reviewing or even rating this trade at all, considering my reaction to the ending of Mass Effect 3. I really considered not reviewing or even rating this trade at all, considering my reaction to the ending of Mass Effect 3.